An innovation in rope rescue! The MPD allows you to go from lowering to raising without changing hardware. More than nine years of research and development went into the patented Multi-Purpose Device (MPD), which features major innovations in advanced technical hardware for rope rescue professionals.
The MPD's high-efficiency pulley, with an integral rope-grab mechanism, allows it to be used as a lowering device on the main line and belay line systems and be quickly changed over to a raising system without switching out or replacing hardware. The combination of essential features into a single device simplifies on-scene rigging, expediting the rescue.
The revolutionary MPD increases user safety with:
The MPD is UL Classified as a pulley, descent control device and belay device. Variable-friction descent control device for rescue systems and rappels. Incorporates a high efficiency pulley with an integral rope-locking mechanism (ratchet) for a haul system. Built-in becket allows cleaner rigging and more efficient pulley systems. Allows main line and belay line rigging to be mirror images of one another. Functions as both a lowering brake and as a ratcheting pulley for raising. Ideal for confined space operations because it converts rapidly to a retrieval line.
Meets BCCTR Rescue Belay Competency Criteria**. The MPD comes with a padded Cordura nylon storage bag and User's Manual. *13 mm version designed for use with 12.5 - 13 mm rope. Rope used for certification rounded up to 13 mm per NFPA 1983.
** The British Columbia Council of Technical Rescue (BCCTR) Belay Competency Drop Test specifies a 1-meter drop onto 3 meters of kernmantle rescue rope with less than 1 meter of additional travel and less than 15 kN peak force. For a General Use rated device, a 280-kg load and a 12.7-mm rope are generally used.